NAPA – North Adriatic Ports Association

5 Ways Toys Help with a Child’s Development

1. Open-Ended Toys Are Great for Sparking Creativity and Imagination

There are many ways toys can help expand your child’s brain and make them think in narratives. This allows them to see the world more broadly. Creativity is very important in child development because it helps the child think outside the box. Don’t just let young children play computer games and surf the internet; you don’t want to be sending your seven year-old to Internet and Gaming Addiction Therapy!

When items as simple as dolls, blocks, balls, animal toys, pretend food or mini-cars are handed to a child, they take them and start to create stories and living out scenarios in their heads. This is like their first class.
When kids get their hands on objects that aren’t toys, they will find a way to re-assign them as such, especially if that is all that is available. A rock, a stick, a box, a container … all of them can be great for boosting your child’s imagination.

2. They Teach Kids About STEAM

Their brains are like sponges. They are always absorbing things from their surroundings. With toys, kids have an avenue of exploring technology, science, art, engineering, and mathematics. Whether the toy is complex or simple, it comes with a lesson for the child. This is why it is important for kids to have toys.

When your kid has taken their time to build a tower, then they watch it fall to the ground, that is a lesson in physics. When they watch a remote-control car bouncing around just from the waves of the controller, kids get curious about how it works. A puzzle is going to stimulate their brain and helps them explore patterns.

Do not underestimate toys when it comes to their power of education. They are going to learn more through creative play because they engage the kid’s senses. This is going to give them a cognitive edge, and they will be excited and want to explore more.

3. Refining a Child’s Motor Development

When a child learns ways of manipulating their toys, they practice their motor skills and also improve their hand/eye coordination. This is going to help them advance through the physical development stages.

Toys that require the child to pull, push, turn, pinch, or otherwise allows them to use their hands and body, which is important during their growth.

Small toys like cars, dolls, and blocks can easily fit in their hands which is why they are often favourites. The child can easily hold and carry around the toy. When they use their hands to position the toys or put them into their pockets, it allows them to be in control. Smaller details on toys such as zippers or buttons or beads allow the child to practice their fine motor skills.

Large toys that require their whole body to manipulate are good for the physical development of the child. Whether that involves throwing and catching a beach ball, jumping on a pogo stick, trying to learn to ride a bike, it helps kids master the skills and will be able to deal with harder tasks later.

4. Too Many Toys Can Be Overwhelming

With the many benefits of toys, you should keep in mind that providing them with too many options is not a good idea. Quality is always better than quantity when dealing with children’s toys. It is better to have fewer toys for your child that they can do more with instead of having many of them around that create clutter.

If your kid is having a hard time cleaning up the toys, or deals with big emotions when playing, or gets bored with a lot of toys around, there is a good chance that the over-abundance of toys in their area is affecting their emotional well-being.

5. Helps a Child Mature Emotionally

Toys provide positive memories, connections, and a way of interacting with their feelings. Children usually get attached to their playthings. This is good for them because it promotes positive and healthy bonding. This is because they associate their toys with attention, love, and happiness. This cultivates and fosters sweet childhood memories.