NAPA – North Adriatic Ports Association

Some COVID-19 Travel Recommendations

CDC recommends delaying your travel until you’ve reached full vaccination status. This is since travel will increase your chance of not only contracting the virus but also of spreading it. If you aren’t vaccinated, you’ll need to follow the guidelines …

What to Expect While Visiting Greece during the Pandemic

Are United Kingdom Residents Allowed to Visit Greece?

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has begun to slowly lift the warning designed for non-essential travels to 67 destinations including that of Greece. This simply means that British travellers can once again …

The Top 8 Places In Egypt To Visit In A Lifetime

Egypt is mostly known for its pharaonic period and its ancient architecture. Considered a top tourist destination worldwide, it has become synonymous with temples and tombs, but there’s much more to Egypt than that! The expansive surrounding desert makes the …

Borneo: Saving One Of The Greatest Places On Earth

The rain forest in Borneo are being ruined due to companies tearing it down for oil palm plantations. Consumers around the world use countless of products that contain palm oil. This includes everything from chocolate bars to toothpastes, and this …