NAPA – North Adriatic Ports Association

Why Should a Business Have HR Support?

Any business must get HR support right from the beginning. But most businesses have a very different start point. The task of Human Resources in either a changing company or a start-up is to safeguard, implement, support and advise.

What is HR?

HR is not the same for every organisation; each organisation has an individual and unique HR. Human Resources can cover one or more of the following tasks:

Compensation, Benefits and Rewards
Employee Motivation and Engagement
Training and Development
Performance Management
Onboarding and Induction
Organisational Design
Recruitment and Hiring and more.

Payroll and Pensions is part of HR in some organisations.

How the organisation carries out these tasks depends on the brand and uniqueness of the organisation. It also depends on the budget available, the location of the organisation, the culture, and the numbers and size of the organisation.

“HR” is a catch-all term

There are several skills and knowledge that Human Resources covers. HR covers them to meet a workforce’s ‘people related’ demands. In recent years, HR has undergone a revolution. HR professionals get their professional qualifications or degrees from a Chartered Institute. These professionals understand good business practice and management. They can work with senior business leaders to provide HR services for small businesses, to develop a strategy and plan. They are also experts in the laws governing the employment of people.

What is the Main Function of HR?

The main function of Human Resources is to:

Get the most from employees. They ensure the employees are knowledgeable and have the skills to perform their best
Keep staff. They use motivators, such as progression, development, job satisfaction, salary and benefits, to motivate and keep staff
Ge the right employees in the right place at the right time

There are several roles and specialisms within the above three main functions of HR. There are specialists and generalists. The generalists have a broad range of knowledge. They can work within an organisation of any size. The areas of specialists and generalists vary from Business Information Analysis, Talent Management, Organisational Development, Recruitment and Pensions and Compensation and Benefits.

How can Human Resources add to value to an organisation?

You will deal with some people in a management or leadership capacity at some point. It is challenging to work with people, either in groups or individually. You require time, experience and knowledge to come up with solutions for the challenges of working with people. You may not have them or you may not have enough time to learn them.

We can help you know if having HR Support in your organisation will make your life easier. You may have not considered how HR can add value to your business. We will show you the value HR adds to your business. We will examine all the stages of the life-cycle of your company. We will begin at start-up to established. Then, to growing and changing organisations.

Employing People and the Laws and Legislation in the UK

We purposely refer to the United Kingdom because Brexit’s long term effect on employment legislation in the UK is unclear. But it seems the EU legislation is going to be maintained for the time being. Most EU legislation has been included in UK law. Any changes to UK law will not affect EU legislation. It only changes UK laws.